A Professional in a time of need is an asset, let us at Correction Services walk you through the service you are in need of:
* Substance Abuse Traffic Offenders Programs (S.A.T.O.P.) * Alcohol Diversion Program (A.D.P.) * Supplying Alcohol to Minors (S.A.M.) * Drug Education Program (D.E.P.) * Drug Screening Services * Individualized Counseling & Out-Patient Programs * Substance Abuse Assessments & Evaluations * Continuous Transdermal Alcohol Monitoring (S.C.R.A.M.) * IMPACT Services are completed Quickly, Quietly and Confidentially.
"Motivation for Change comes from Within" |
| Founded in 1984, Correction Services provides services to Courts, individuals and offenders in Southwest Missouri. The organization's Professional staff of Certified Substance Abuse Counselors, provides the most effective services available within the State. Correction Services offers 10 hour, weekend, on-site out-patient programs, as well as, individualized programs for voluntary and court involved individuals. Emphasizing on alcohol and drug offenses, the agency has expanded services over the decades in response to court and community needs. We assure our clients (courts, attorneys and offenders) of the most efficient, professional and effective services available.